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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


Day 1 

Research the moon using the website links below.  You can also use your own websites if you wish. 


Record your facts using a mind map 

Day 2 

Using your research yesterday, make a fact file about the Moon. 

Think about answer the following questions about the moon: 

  • What does the Moon look like? 

  • How far away is the moon from Earth? 

  • How long does it take for the Moon to orbit the Earth? 

  • What astronauts have visited? 

Organise your information on the fact file template sheet given, or design your own fact file layout.


Example of a fact file:

Day 3 

There are 3 different comprehension sheets to choose from.  They all have information about the solar system and different style question for you to answer, 


There is also a SPaG activity mat sheet for you to complete 

Day 4 

Using the description mats, describe what you can see in these space images.  Remember to write a SUPER SENTENCE for each using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. 

Day 5  

Design your own planet for the solar system.  

Using all the information you have gathered, complete a fact file on your planet. 

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