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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Rising Stars

Your child must read daily. Reading must be recorded in the reading record. One of these daily reads may be a Rising Stars book which can be accessed online. Children will be responsible for handing in their reading record each day to their class teacher/teaching assistant so that reading progress can be tracked on the reading display. 


From the week beginning 13th September, children will have access to their Rising Stars account. Children will be set a book weekly. When children have finished reading the book and they have completed the quiz, children should mark the book as finished so that the book is removed from their area and their reading progress sent to their teacher.


Your child’s log in details for Rising Stars can be found at the front of their reading record from the 13th September.


This can be accessed at home from:

School Logo Watermark

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