Ash Class
Please watch our welcome video giving you more information about our fantastic school:
Click on this link to watch a tour of our school:
Here is a story read by our lovely Teaching Assistant Mrs Mussellwhite
We encourage you to watch these videos with your children as this will help them feel more at ease with coming to school.
Beehive nursery are providing all day childcare for all children in September to work around our transition days. More information is found in either document below:
We would love for the children to decorate a leaf for their new classroom and bring in a picture of their family to talk about in September. Please read the information in either letter below.
Here is another video to finish off your Friday. Mr Worsfold has read the new Ash and Oak class a story about a dinosaur's first day of school. Your teachers have been busy getting your new classrooms ready for you in September. Are you excited? We will make a video of your new classroom to show off to you before you come to school in September. Until then, have a lovely summer holiday and we hope you like the story.