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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Class Information







Please ensure your child is not bringing any items from home to school - other than those permitted. We are trying to limit items transferred between home and school as much as possible, in line with government guidance.



Reading is extremely important and a major contributing factor to your child's progression. We are trying hard to promote a love of reading throughout the school. In the classroom, we have a large selection of reading books for children to choose from. Please can you support this by listening to your child read at home every night. Even if children do independent reading at home, please record this in their reading records for their class teacher to see.






Our regular P.E. day is either Tuesday or Wednesday. However, please make sure that P.E. kits are in school everyday in case of last minute timetable changes or activities that require a change of clothes.  Shorts, T-shirts and plimsolls are required for indoor P.E.




Please can you ensure that all of your child's uniform and belongings are named. This includes all items of their P.E. kits as well as lunch boxes and water bottles. This means that if items are lost or misplaced, it is easier to reunite them with their owner.

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