Reading Week:
Today's the final day of home learning! You have all worked incredibly hard and we are all so proud of you! We cannot wait to see all of you on Monday!!
Friday |
Reading |
Read your reading book with an adult or sibling. Adult to ask you questions about what you have read - - Oxford Owl have lots of free reading books that you can download and read! Don’t forget to check out Rising Stars!
Reading Week – Reading recommendations – Can you recommend a book to someone else, why would you recommend that specific book? Can you read a book that has been recommended to you?
Phonics – 15 minutes |
Phonicsplay login – Username – jan21 Password - home
Mrs Emslie and Mrs Houghton’s group: Start by re-capping all the phase 5 sounds we have learnt (phase 5a): Flashcards Time Challenge ( Re-cap your high frequency and tricky words using the tricky word trucks. Tricky Word Trucks ( Play the dinosaur stomp game from Tuesday again!
Mrs Lenotti’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 3/4) When you come back to school, we are going to do a small assessment to see if we are ready to move to phase 5! So, this week I thought we’d have a little practise of everything you already know including tricky words and alien words. Today we are going to practise reading real words and alien words. Have a go at this game Buried Treasure (
Mrs Hutcheon’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 5) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat!
Today is Tricky Word Friday! Every Friday, we are going to learn some new tricky words. First of all, we are going to recap all of the phase 5 tricky words - How quickly did you say them all?
Today, we are focusing on the tricky words – ‘water’, ‘where’, ‘who’, ‘again’, ‘thought’, ‘though’, and ‘work’. Can you read these words already? Practice saying them in your silly voices. Use your deep voice, squeaky voice, whale voice!
Write all the new tricky words on separate pieces of paper. Hide them around the room and get your adult/sibling to call out a word for you to run to then swap and tell your adult/sibling where to go. Challenge – Write a sentence, using the new tricky words.
Miss Powell’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 2 & 3) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat!
Today is Tricky Word Friday! Every Friday, we are going to learn some new tricky words. First of all, we are going to have a go at reading the phase 2 tricky words - Can you read them all?
Today, we are focusing on the tricky words – ‘the’, ‘go’ and ‘into’. Can you read these words already? Practice saying them in your silly voices. Use your deep voice, squeaky voice, whale voice!
Write I, no, to, the, go and into on separate pieces of paper. Hide them around the room and get your adult/sibling to call out a word for you to run to then swap and tell your adult/sibling where to go. Challenge – write a sentence, using one of these tricky words.
English - 1 hour |
Today you are going to pick one of the dinosaurs we have been learning about and write a fact file. Watch the English video first to help you. |
Break - Grab a healthy snack and a drink and have a break. Could you go outside to get some fresh air? |
Maths – 1 hour |
Number Bonds -
This week, we are learning about measuring ‘Weight and Mass’. Today we are going to be focusing on using our amazing adding and super subtracting skills to solve mass problems. Go through the Maths Video and complete the worksheet.
Don’t forget about Numbots! -
Lunch – What’s for lunch, today? |
PSHE - 45 minutes |
For PSHE today, we are going to be learning about the community and we will be looking at different jobs. Watch the video and complete the worksheet by creating your own job role. Think about the name of your job, what your job does and how they help people.
Reading Week:
English video:



Fun Friday Quiz: