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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Week Beginning 1st March

The count down is on until we’re back to school!! 

We can’t wait to see you all and have you back in our classes!

It is my favourite week of the year!! It is reading week! I am so sad that I won’t be in to dress up with you all.. watch this space though :)


There is a different activity set for you for DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) which has come from Mr Brett. I have also as an added bonus put a ‘Reading week menu’ of some extras that you can do if you want to. You will find these below the daily pages :) 

Also, keep an eye out on the school Facebook page for The Masked Reader, can you guess correctly?! Who is behind each mask?


Have a wonderful week! 

See you soon! Xx

Here some extra bits that you can choose from if you want to. You DO NOT have to do these but if you want some extra then here are some ideas. :) 


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