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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


As part of their home learning, Year 1 are expected to take part in our online scheme "Numbots".


This is accessed and completed at home:


Children’s log in details for Numbots will be shared with you. If this has been misplaced, please speak to your child’s class teacher and they can provide the details again. 


When logging on, simply enter "Cuxton Community Infant School" in the 'Your family, school or organisation' tab, then enter your child's username and password.


The website is easy to use and look around. Your child can choose their own name and picture, before practising their maths skills online.


We will be checking to see who's winning the most points in the class and who has improved their accuracy and keep practising!


If you do have any questions, please do feel free to ask.




Children are learning number bonds in maths and complete timed sheets to ensure they are using and developing their rapid recall.


Please find attached some number bonds sheets we use in class, if you wish to print and have a go at home. Each box has a number in which children need to work out what the corresponding number would be to make their total.  


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