English Skills
Today you will be finding out all about semi-colons. The sheets below have three levels of challenge, so please only pick one which suits you. You can find the answers below the question sheets. Good luck!
English Wednesday 20th January
Today we will be comparing fractions, decimals and percentages.
Attached is the White Rose question sheet, which you can use alongside following the video at:
The answer sheet is also included, so that you can check your work and understand any mistakes you may have made.
If you are hungry for more Maths, please log on to and find today's date. Here you will find Bronze challenges up to Platinum challenges.
Don't forget to also log on to TT Rock stars daily!
Have fun!
RE video
Workout Wednesdays
Our amazing PE coach Tom, will be doing a 'Workout Wednesday' every week! If you would like to join in, please access the video from the menu where the assemblies and class crayons are. Each week, he will be joined by a 'special guest' so if you want to see who it is and join in some PE fun, check it out!