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School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


Happy Birthday Ariana! We hope you have a lovely day today! 😊




Complete the handwriting practice sheet. 


Mrs Emslie/Mrs Houghton’s group: 

Look at the attached phase 3 sound mat.  See how many of the sounds you can read to an adult, and how many of the tricky words you can read without sounding them out. 

Today we are re-capping reading and writing words and sentences using the consonant clusters. 

Have a go at the following game: Alien Escape (Phase 4) - Online Phonics Game (  Remember; for words with more than one syllable – clap the syllables and write one at a time e.g., for lunchbox, write lunch first, then box. 

Now have a go at writing the following sentence: 

A crab crept into a crack in the rock 


Mrs Lenotti’s group 

Look at the attached phase 3 sound mat.  See how many of the sounds you can read to an adult, and how many of the tricky words you can read without sounding them out. 

Today we are recapping the ‘ar’ sound.  Watch the video: Geraldine the Giraffe learns the /ar/ - YouTube

Now have a go at the attached ‘ar’ bingo game! 


Miss Powell’s group 

Look at the attached phase 2 sound mat.  See how many of the sounds you can read to an adult. 

Today we are learning a new sound. Today’s sound is the ‘s’ phoneme.  Watch the following video: 

Now write a word of 5 different things with the ‘s’ sound.  They can be from the video or your mind!  Now have a go at the following game: Alien Escape (Phase 3) - Online Phonics Game ( 


Mrs Hutcheon’s group 

Look at the attached phase 5 sound mat.  See how many of the sounds you can read to an adult. 

Today we are recapping the ‘a-e’ split-vowel digraph. Watch the following video to refresh your minds. Can you read all of the words? 

Now write a word of 5 different things with the ‘a-e’ split-vowel digraph. They can be from the video or your mind!  Now have a go at the activity – Play the game and identify the real and alien words - Can you think of your own a-e alien words? 



Please have a look at today’s English video.  You will also need a copy of the attached worksheet and a pencil.  If you haven't got a printer, then lined paper will be fine. 

Break - Grab a healthy snack and a drink and have a break. Could you go outside to get some fresh air? 


Number Bonds -  


Starter – Count forwards and backwards to 50. 


This week, we are learning about Place Value and today we are going to be representing numbers to 50. Think about the different objects which you could use from around your home. Go through the PowerPoint and complete the worksheet. 


Don’t forget about Numbots! - 


Lunch – What’s for lunch, today? 


Online PE lesson with Joe Wicks - 

Oti Mabuse Dance lessons - 

Just Dance - 

Yoga - 

Explore GoNoodle and stay active! 


Today, we are going to be learning about e-safety and the importance of keeping safe online. I would like you to watch the cartoon video called Animal Magic -  


Think about the following questions: 

  1. Have you played a game where you can talk to people online? 
  2. What is personal information? Why shouldn’t we tell strangers our personal information? 
  3. What does it mean when you get butterflies in your tummy? What should you do? 


It is important not to share your personal information with anyone online because they could be anyone. Bear was playing a child’s game but was really an adult. It is dangerous to give out personal information because they will then know where you live. 


Make a list of all the things that could be personal information.  


Today, I would like you to create a poster to tell others how to stay safe online. 



English Video

Still image for this video
Unfortunately I can't get the sound to work properly on the videos I play within this video. The links are as followed if you wish to play them seperately.
They are also in the attached PowerPoint.

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