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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Tuesday 20th

Morning Year 1 smiley


Here are some activities for you to pick from today. Again, please don’t feel like you need to complete them all. We are really enjoying your photos so please keep them coming!


Reading - Pick that special someone at home and read your book to them. 


Art - Today I would like you to sort some fabric.  Have a look at the different fabrics you have around your house and think about how you could sort them into different groups.  They may be waterproof, not waterproof, shiny, soft, can choose.  Label the groups and send in a photo to show how you have sorted them.


Art - If we were in school we would be learning about how to weave with fabric or thread. This might not be possible at home so here are two options.  Firstly, you could watch the video below of how to make a friendship bracelet, and have a go at making one (if you've got the bits needed), or you could create a collage of something that represents your time in year 1. It could be something to do with one of our topics, it could be you and your friends or it could be a memory from the school year. 


Topic - We would like you to complete the Year 1 to Year 2 booklet that is attached. It might help to do this if you are feeling a little nervous about going to Year 2. 


Enjoy your day smiley x 

Friendship bracelet

Still image for this video

My finished bracelet

Augustus and his Smile by Catharine Rayner

Still image for this video

School Logo Watermark

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