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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

SEN Policy

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn. They can affect their:

  • behaviour or ability to socialise, for example they struggle to make friends
  • reading and writing, for example because they have dyslexia
  • ability to understand things
  • concentration levels, for example because they have ADHD
  • physical ability


Talk to your child's teacher or the SENCO if you think your child needs:

  • a special learning programme
  • extra help from a teacher or assistant
  • to work in a smaller group
  • observation in class
  • help taking part in class activities
  • extra encouragement in their learning
  • help communicating with other children
  • support with physical or personal care difficulties

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