Hello year 3
It is READING WEEK this week, with lots of fun activities for you to do! Each day, you will see a poster created by someone in year 3. Mr Brett has given 5 of these (one for each day), for every year group to have on their class pages.
If you don't see yours this week, please don't worry, they were all amazing and it was a really difficult decision to choose just 5.
Enjoy and remember to take lots of pictures that you can share with us, of you D.E.A.R!!!
So, today is DAY1, and we would love to see pictures, or hear accounts of you sharing a story with someone. It could be mum, dad, gran, grandad, an auntie or uncle, a pet, a brother or sister, or even reading to all your toys in your bedroom!
(Spot the countdown at the bottom of each page this week!)
LI: To identify features of a leaflet and their purpose.
I can discover features of a leaflet.
I can look for features and understand their purpose on a range of leaflets.
I can find examples of features in the leaflet.
I can justify my answers.
This week we are going to be looking at leaflets and how they advertise a zoo or animal experience.
We are very lucky that on Wednesday we are having an animal experience come to us virtually. From learning about leaflets and having our animal experience, we are going to create our own animal experience place/zoo leaflet.
You do not need to print off all the leaflets before hand. Children will be looking at leaflet 1 and then they can choose another leaflet to find features on and describe.
Starter - Choose a level and complete. Answers are on the last page
Main task and leaflets - please note you do not need to print all leaflets if not needed. Children can just view on screen if able to, to save printing.
Guided Reading

Maths Worksheets
If you have completed the worksheets in good time, and fancy putting your maths brain through a little more, try a Chilli Challenge question, 1 or more! it's up to you!!
Look for the chilli symbol in the top right corner...How HOT can you go!!!