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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Year 2


We are made up of Beech and Birch Classes - two fantastic classes of enthusiastic children.


Our year group page will be your first port of call for any information relevant to Year 2. On it, you will find lots of information about what the children are learning about, photos, spellings and so much more! If it is missing something you feel would be important, please do let us know!


Our brilliant team in Year 2 is made up of:


Birch Class: Mrs Searle, Mrs Jinks, Mrs Marrs and Mrs Jones

Beech Class: Mr O'Mallan, Mrs Hutcheon, Mrs Ellis and Miss Causton 




What do I need to bring to school everyday?

1. Your book bag

2. A water bottle

3. A healthy snack

4. Your reading book

5. A smile 😊 




PE & Forest School


As we did last year, all children will need to have their PE kits in school all week (all items named) as PE days may occasionally change during the term.


Year 2 will not have Forest School this term.

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