Good morning everyone! Happy Monday! . I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. Today it will be Mrs Emslie replying to your emails and Mrs Lenotti is going to have a look at a few too. She really wants to see what you’ve been getting up to at home too.
There are some new stories on the ‘Storytime’ page too, so have a look out for those.
Have a lovely day everyone. I can’t wait to see what you send me!
From Mrs Emslie
Monday |
Handwriting |
Today’s dough disco! |
Reading |
Read your reading book with an adult or sibling. Adult to ask you questions about what you have read - - Oxford Owl have lots of free reading books that you can download and read! Also, check out Rising Stars for a new book.
Phonics |
Phonicsplay login – Username – jan21 Password - home
Mrs Hutcheon’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 5) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat!
In Phonics, today, we are going to be learning about the ‘o-e’ split-vowel digraph. Make a list of all the ‘o-e’ words you know! How many can you name? Watch Geraldine the Giraffe and see if you got more words than her! -
I would like you to identify the o-e pictures. Can you challenge yourself by choosing two ‘o-e’ words and write them in a sentence?
Check out this week’s spellings!
Miss Powell’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 2) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat!
In Phonics, today, we are going to be learning about the ‘w’ phoneme. Make a list of all the ‘w’ words you know! How many can you name? Watch Geraldine the Giraffe and see if you got more words than her! -
Play ‘I Spy’. Find all of the pictures with the ‘w’ phoneme. Don’t have a printer? Write/draw all of the ‘w’ words you find.
Check out this week’s spellings!
Mrs Lenotti’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 3) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat! In Phonics this week we are going to recap your knowledge of CVCC words and CCVC words! Your first task is to write down all of the vowels in the alphabet and then write down all of the consonants. Can you test your adult? The next task is to go through the PowerPoint and play the guessing game. Don’t forget to look at this week’s spellings!
Mrs Emslie and Mrs Houghton’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 3) and you also need to re-cap the phase 5 sounds we learnt last week – ay, ou, ie, ea. Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on your sound mat! Today we are going to learn the alternative grapheme ‘oy’. We already know ‘oi’. Watch the video: Discovery Education Espresso - Ash's phonics - the 'oy' spelling Now play the following game: Discovery Education Espresso - Sorting graphemes (oi/oy) Can you create your own table and write the words in the correct column? I have attached one if you need it. |
English |
Watch the video below. You will need:
Break - Grab a healthy snack and a drink and have a break. Could you go outside to get some fresh air? |
Maths |
Number Bonds -
Starter – Practise counting in 2’s -
This week, we are learning about Multiplication and Division. Today we are going to make equal groups. Go through the Maths Video and complete the worksheet.
Don’t forget about Numbots! -
Lunch |
PE |
Online PE lesson with Joe Wicks - Oti Mabuse Dance lessons - Just Dance - Yoga - Explore GoNoodle and stay active!
Art |
Go through the Art Video. Today, we are looking at mixing colours. Choose any two colours and investigate what colour they make. If you do not have any paint at home, then follow this link to mix colours and colour/write on the worksheet. -
English Video


Maths Video with Miss Powell

Art Video with Miss Powell

Story time with Miss Powell