Phrases to sort and examples of letters
Explanation on how to answer question 8 as told by the children in class
Guided Reading:
GR/L.I: To identify adjectives and use them appropriately in writing.
I can identify adjectives in the text.
I can use these effectively in my writing
Read the next chapter (Elvis Presley).
Use the worksheet to help you identify the adjectives in the text and then write a paragraph about your own favourite musician on a separate sheet.
Remember, an adjective is a word that describes a noun (the name of a thing or a place).
Listen to ‘Jailhouse Rock’ by Elvis Presley - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZJTgYzf9FE
What did you think?
Word-searches - (Spelling group documents are for those who were emailed spellings, everyone else just ‘Spellings’)
LI: To pronounce colours in Spanish
I can recognise and repeat colour words accurately.
I can listen to and repeat Spanish words for colours carefully.
I can match the correct word to the correct colour.
If you have your game form last week to hand - test yourself. Can you remember the colours? Today we are going to revise and go over the colours in Spanish.
Flick through the PowerPoint and listen to the pronunciation of the colours.
If you can listen to the PowerPoint, listen to each question read out to you and colour in the splats.
If you cannot listen to the video, read the colours and colour in the splat the correct colour. Can you work out the missing colours? Use the word bank at the bottom to help you.