Hello year 3!
Day 2 of Reading week, and you are to create a READING SPOT! Now we know how well you did on one of the Wellbeing Wednesday tasks where you built your own reading den, so you could do something similar or make it completely different! We can't wait to see your pictures!
LI: To ask effective questions.
I know what an open and closed question is.
I can create a range of questions.
I know which questions I want to ask and why.
I can correctly punctuate my questions.
Question or command.
Add in the correct punctuation mark and highlight the sentences that are a question.
Children to come up with a range of questions we can ask The Exotic Explorers tomorrow in our Zoom Experience. They can present work using a mind map, subheadings, or sections. Whichever they feel is clearest for them to present their questions and be able to reread them tomorrow.
Challenge - Highlight questions that are open questions in one colour and closed in another.
English - Starter and main task template (Children do not have to use the templates if they do not want to. They can hand write/draw.)
Guided Reading

Maths - W2, T4, L2

Maths Sheets on Bar Charts
Do not share LI at the beginning of the lesson.
PSHE/ LI: To understand and challenge stereotyping in the world of work.
I can explore and challenge my own stereotypical thinking.
I can explain why anyone can do any job.
Video of lesson below this text box via YouTube link.
Children are to be looking at what the people that do specific jobs look like. Ask the children to draw a nanny, then a bus driver, then a nurse and then a ballet dancer. Stop after 30 minutes and discuss what the children have drawn and why. Are the majority of the bus drivers men? Have any children drawn women? Are the ballet dancers women? Why? Have the children given their people female or male names?
If possible, show children this video of the jobs:
Discuss with the children that jobs are given to people based on their skills and what they are able to do and not what gender they are.
Show children the picture of one boy and one girl. Give children the stereotypical statements and ask them to match these up to the people. Challenge children’s stereotypical thinking. Children should recognise that these statements could belong to either child.