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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


Year 6 Fun Day


As today would have been your fun day in school, we thought we would continue with the theme of FUN!


Today, we would like you to do anything you would like to, that you find fun and enjoyable. There is a list of activities below that may inspire you, just remember to get adult supervision if needed and wear sun cream if you are outside. Feel free to send us any photos so we can enjoy the fun with you.


1. Create a raft/boat and see if you can make it float.


2. Create your own slushy style drink from crushed ice, flavourings and colourings.


3. Take part in an ice bucket challenge to cool down - can you sing your favourite song or dance throughout the whole thing?


4. Play 'Cup of Chance'. Using six plastic cups numbered 1-6, fill some with water. Challenge people to tip one above their head without knowing which are full. 


5. Enjoy a water fight or some time in a paddling pool if you have one.


6. Come up with a list of top tips for keeping cool in the summer heat.


7. Think of your best end of year prank that you could pull on someone in school. Who would you play it on an why?


8. Anything else of your choosing as long as you have fun!!!

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