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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”




Re-cap one of the videos we have done so far this week.


Miss Powell’s group:

Next week, we are going to be looking at Phase 3. Look at the Phase 3 sound mat and circle all the sounds you already know. Let me know in your email, how many sounds you know! Don’t forget to do your spelling test!


Mrs Hutcheon’s group:

Look at the Phase 5 sound mat. See how many of the sounds you can read to an adult. I would like you to play the game attached. I would like you to find all the pictures, which contains a split-vowel digraph. Then I would like you to play I Spy with a sibling or adult. Don’t forget to do your spelling test!


Mrs Lenotti’s group:

Look at the attached phase 3 sound mat. See how many of the sounds you can read to an adult. Have a go at this game to refresh your memory: Flashcards Speed Trials ( - Username - jan21        Password - home

Have a go at the attached spelling maze sheet. It should give you one last boost before your spelling test!

Now have a go at this game: Train Your Brain ( - 


Mrs Emslie and Mrs Houghton’s group:

Practice reading your phase 3 and 4 tricky words by playing Tricky Word Trucks on Phonics Play: Tricky Word Trucks (

Use your sound mat to re-cap your phase 3 sounds and your new phase 5 sound, ‘ay’, ‘ou’, ‘ie’ and ‘ea’.

Today we are going to learn the tricky and high frequency words: oh, their, said, so.

Write the words on pieces of paper and spread them around the room.  Play some music and have a dance.  Stop the music.  When the music stops you have to jump on a word and read it to your adult.  Repeat with different words (a bit like musical statues/bumps).  Play for as long as you like.

Write out each word 3 times.


Complete a spelling test, using the words you were given on Monday.


It’s time to write your fact file! I have attached a PowerPoint with all our learning from this week. Make sure to look at your mind maps and notes from previous lessons this week. There are two fact file templates for you to use but you can write your fact file straight onto lined paper.

I can’t wait to see them!

Break - Grab a healthy snack and a drink and have a break. Could you go outside to get some fresh air?


Number Bonds -


Starter – Practise counting by 10’s -


This week, we are learning about Multiplication and Division and today we are going to be counting in 10’s. Go through the Maths Video and complete the worksheet.


Don’t forget about Numbots! -


Lunch – What’s for lunch, today?


Online PE lesson with Joe Wicks -

Oti Mabuse Dance lessons -

Just Dance -

Yoga -

Explore GoNoodle and stay active!


Today we are going to be looking at the religion of Judaism and we are going to look at different artifacts from the religion. Go through the PowerPoint and identify the name of the artifacts on the worksheet. Can you tell me what they are used for?


English video:

Still image for this video

Maths Video:

Still image for this video

RE Video:

Still image for this video

Fun Friday Quiz 1

Still image for this video

School Logo Watermark

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