Home Learning: 18th Jan - 22nd Jan
Hello, Year 2!
We hope you're all keeping well and enjoyed your second week of home learning. We've been amazed by the fantastic work you've all been doing!
Here you'll find the home learning for the week.
Please carry on with:
- Daily reading;
- Spelling practise;
- Times Table Rock Stars or Numbots;
- Your home learning project.
Parents and carers, thank you for all that you're doing do support. It really is very much appreciated.
Thank you for your patience with Rising stars last week. We know some of you experienced technical difficulties when trying to log on to complete reading or guided reading activities. If you have any problems with Rising stars at any point during the week this week, try going on the website in a different browser (Chrome seems to be the most reliable) or another device if at all possible. If you still can’t get it working, can you continue with reading using a normal book and try again later. IT may be that there are some issues with high volumes of users on the website at the same time. Make sure you are using our centre ID number to see if this helps when logging on. Our ID is 237102. Thank you for your understanding.
Home Learning extras (support for lessons or other activities):
Oddizzi is an online, geography resource for primary schools. They provide high-quality primary geography resources. Children can watch videos, look at pictures, learn about different subjects and even take quizzes.
The pattern is Log in: Class Name Cuxton E.g. Log in - Beech Class Cuxton
Password: Cuxton Password – Cuxton
If your child would like to play a quiz, click the quiz button at the top, then they will have to find their name in the drop-down list.
Espresso is a really useful website which allows you to search for videos, images, or interactive activities which help support your child with wither learning. They have resources for all Primary ages. If you have a spare 5 minutes, each week they upload a weekly digest of child friendly news. The children really enjoy the news videos mostly because at the end there is an opportunity to test your knowledge with a quiz. Click the link below and have an explore.
log in: student17015 password - cuxton