Happy Thursday! It’s Mrs Houghton today, I can’t wait to hear your stories for writing week. I have been busy writing too! I love seeing all of your fantastic learning. Check out today’s activities and have a lovely day!
Thursday |
Handwriting |
Watch the video to warm up. Now complete the video below. This is the same as Tuesday as these letters are a bit tricky. |
Reading |
Read your reading book with an adult or sibling. Adult to ask you questions about what you have read - - Oxford Owl have lots of free reading books that you can download and read! Don’t forget to check out Rising Stars!
Phonics – 15 minutes |
Phonicsplay login – Username – jan21 Password - home
Mrs Hutcheon’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 5) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat!
Go on PhonicsPlay and Play ‘Tricky Word Trucks’ - (5a) When you find this weeks’ tricky words, I would like you to say them in a silly voice.
Today, I would like you to write a sentence about each tricky word. Challenge – How many tricky words can you write in a sentence?
Miss Powell’s group: Before we start, let’s practise our Phase 2 and 3 sounds. Join in with Miss Powell in her video below!
For the rest of the term, we are going to be focusing on Phase 3 tricky words. This week, we are focusing on the following tricky words; he, she, be, you, her, was. Let’s practise our Phase 3 tricky words - listen out for this week's tricky words! Join in with Miss Powell in her video below! When you find this weeks’ tricky words, I would like you to say them in a silly voice.
Today, I would like you to tell an adult a sentence with each tricky word. Challenge – How many tricky words can you use in a sentence? Can you write your sentences down?
Mrs Lenotti’s group: Recap your phase 3 sounds using the sound mat or PhonicsPlay This week we are looking at tricky words. Tricky words are those words that we can’t sound out. Play this game to warm your brain up: Tricky Word Trucks (
Today, I have written some sentences for you. I would like you to read the sentence and then pick a word from the list that you could substitute for another word. For example... The man burnt the toast. girl milk towel drinks
You could take out the word ‘man’ and replace it with ‘girl’ and the sentence still makes sense.
Mrs Emslie and Mrs Houghton’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 3) and you also need to re-cap the phase 5 sounds we learnt last week – ay, ou, ie, ea oy, ir, ue, aw, ph, wh, ew, oe, au, a-e and e-e. Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on your sound mat! Today we are learning the alternative grapheme i-e. We already know ‘igh’ (fly high) and ‘ie’ (eat your pie). Watch the video: Discovery Education Espresso - Ash's phonics - the 'i-e' spelling Play the game to help you remember which grapheme goes in which word: Discovery Education Espresso - Sorting graphemes (igh, ie, i-e) Username: student17015 Password: cuxton
English – 1 Hour |
Today you are going to write the beginning and middle of your story. Check out the video to help you. |
Break - Grab a healthy snack and a drink and have a break. Could you go outside to get some fresh air? |
Maths – 1 Hour |
Number Bonds -
This week, we are learning about Position and Direction and today we are focusing on describing positions. Watch the Maths Video and complete the worksheet.
Don’t forget about Numbots! -
Lunch – What’s for lunch, today? |
Art – 45 minutes |
Next Friday is Chinese New Year! To celebrate this culture, we are going to create Artwork dedicated to the Year of the Ox. Watch the Video, choose a template and complete your artwork, in the style of Pop Art. Remember to use bright colours, so your artwork stands out.
I have attached some examples for you to look at.
Please note – You can be as creative as you would like. You could draw/paint and ox, use lego or clay to create a 3D model or you could design your own ox.
I have attached Year 5’s amazing artwork for inspiration.
All art work will be displayed in a virtual gallery, so please take lots of pictures and send them to your teacher!
Whilst, creating your lovely artwork, why not continue to celebrate by listening to some Chinese New Year Music? -

Phase 3 Flashcards:

Phase 3 Tricky Words:

English video

Maths Video:

Art Video: