Children will be expected to complete their home learning each week. Home learning consists of:
- Daily reading for at least 15 minutes. Reading must be recorded on GoRead. Log in details will be shared with you.
- Daily spelling practise using the spelling practise sheet. The spellings will be tested on Friday and children will bring home their spelling book to share their results with you on Monday, once new spellings have been stuck in.
- Numbots rapid recall. Children can play on numbots to improve their rapid recall in maths. Certificates will be awarded to children based on their efforts, accuracy and times played. Log in details will be shared with you.
- Weekly Teatime talk - Each week the children will have 3 questions based on the previous week's learning. The questions encourage you as a family to discuss your child’s learning and this will provide an important opportunity for your child to rehearse, and therefore retain, the knowledge and skills that they would have recently acquired at school. For those who wish to, there is the optional task of recording your Teatime Talks in some form. If you are recording in some form the discussions that you have about your learning, please bring in what you have completed at the start of the last week of term so that we can celebrate what you have done!