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School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Behaviour for Learning

This page is a summary of the main elements that contribute to how we promote behaviour for learning at The Academy of Cuxton Schools. For further detail, please see the full Behaviour for Learning policy in the ‘School Policies’ section of our website.


Conversations at school that are about behaviour are all based on our school ‘Rights’. Pupil Parliament helped to create the ‘Rights’ that everybody in our school has. These are:

  • We will respect everyone and everything
  • We will allow ourselves and others to learn
  • We will keep ourselves and others safe


We refer to these Rights when we are talking about behaviour with children and they are on display around the school, including in every classroom.

Also on display in every classroom is a ‘behaviour ladder’ so that children can track their behaviour. The ladder is made up of emoji-type faces which show whether a child is demonstrating ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Good’ behaviour, or if they have had a warning, a timer or an exit.
There are lots of things that we do to reward good behaviour, but we most commonly use Cyrils. These are small tokens with a squirrel on them and they can be handed to children for behaving well, upholding our school values and for good learning. Children collect up their Cyrils and then receive a certificate in our Celebration Assembly when they reach 100 Cyrils. The Cyrils also represent our ‘house points’ – all children in our school are in one of four coloured houses (Rochester, Hever, Dover or Leeds) and every Cyril they earn contributes to their house’s house point total. These totals are also shared in Celebration Assemblies and the winning house gets a trophy at the end of term!
Children who produce outstanding learning might also be sent down to a member of SLT so that they can be added into the ‘Golden Book’. The names entered into the book are shared in assembly and the child’s family will receive a postcard through the post which explains the outstanding learning that they did. It makes for a lovely surprise on your doormat!
Furthermore, each term, every class will vote on who they think in their class has best upheld the school values. The winner will receive a ‘Values certificate’ and the overall school winner will also take home the ‘Values Trophy’ for the term.
We try to promote and focus on positive behaviour as much as possible at Cuxton, but if a child is showing poor behaviour for learning, they will be moved down the ladder to the ‘warning’ section and they will be reminded by the adult of what they should be doing. If a child continues to behave poorly, they will then move to the ‘timer’ section of the ladder. At this point, they will move to the art corner in class with their learning to give them the opportunity to improve their behaviour. If the poor behaviour continues, the child will be exited from the class, either to the other year group class or down to a member of SLT. During this exit (15 minutes in KS2 and 10 minutes in KS1) the child will complete a reflection form. This is an opportunity for them to think about what they need to do differently next time so that they show good behaviour for learning. It is only when a child reaches an ‘exit’ that their parents will be informed.
Please see the full Behaviour for Learning policy in the ‘School Policies’ section of our website for further details about all of the above.

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