Today in English, the children will be creating a poster following their plan to advertise DEAR time next week.
There are 2 videos below. Please use the video which is applicable for your child.
Video 1 (unplugged) is a video where chidlren ill be creating a poster not using a computer but using pens and pencils, following their plan.
Video 2 (plugged in) is a video where chidlren will be using Powerpoint to create their poster. A template poster is included below should your child wish to use the templates format. You will also see another powerpoint document. This is sized for a poster (portrait style). Use this one if your child does not want to use the template.
Maths - T4 W1 L4 - Bar Charts Activity
Remember, it is really important to use a ruler, and to make the bars the same thickness, with a gap in between. Take your time, and make the presentation as neat as you possibly can!
You can use the squared paper portrait or landscape
Squared paper, and Dice template should you need it!
Guided Reading
SP/ LI: To identify and say the days of the week in Spanish
I can listen carefully to the days of the week in Spanish
I can understand and say the days of the week in Spanish in order.
I can identify and say the days of the week in any order/isolation.
ADDITIONAL – I can sign the days of the week using BSL
Todays lesson is a practical lesson where you will learn the days of the week in Spanish and in British Sign Language. You may want to get your parents to test you after the lesson.
Religious Education:
RE/ LI: To identify what I already know about why some people believe in a God.
I can suggest why some people may believe in a God based on what I already know.
I can express my own beliefs, values and views.
I can listen to the beliefs, values and views of others and give them careful consideration.
I can make connections between my beliefs and the beliefs of others.
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