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The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


Year 3, English Week 4, Day 1

Maths - Consolidating 2,4 and 8 Times Tables

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LI: To consolidate 2, 4, 8 timetables.
I can count in 2s, 4s and 8s.
I can use manipulatives if needed.
I can see the relationship between the multiples.
I can apply this knowledge to answer problems.

Guided Reading

GR/L.I: To read and discuss a wide range of books.

I can read a variety of books and discuss them.

I can share my ideas with others.


This week we are going to be reading Game Changers Music Makers from Rising Stars. 











Before we start reading, answer the first 2 questions

1. Have you heard anything about these musicians before?

2. Which of these musical game changers do you most want to find out about?


Now, we are going to read the Introduction and Nina Simone.

3. Why do you think Nina Simone deserves to be a game to be called a game changer?

4. Which fact about Nina Simone do think is the most interesting or important, and why?


If you cannot log in, please use this link for the book.



‘Listen to My Baby Just Cares For Me’ by Nina Simone -


What did you think?



Year 3 Handwriting (spelling group)

This video is for the children who received an email with their spellings in.

Year 3 spellings -

Religious Education:

RE/ LI: To understand how a Rabbi can be seen as a teacher.  
I can explain what the word Rabbi means.
I understand that a rabbi is a teacher/leader of the Jewish faith.
I can identify some traits a rabbi would have.


What can you remember about Judaism? POWERPOINT


Jews see a Rabbi as a Teacher like Christians do with Jesus. Rabbi means teacher in Hebrew – Hebrew is a special language their holy book the Torah is written in.


TASK: Use fact sheet to draw and write about a Rabbi, creating a poster. Can you re-write some of the facts in your own words?

Year 3 RE: Rabbi as a teacher

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