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School Welcome

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The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”



Year 3 Chapter 6 Of Survivor


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Guided Reading:

GR/L.I: To increase familiarity with a wide range of books. 
I can identify what type of book I will be reading. 
I understand what a traditional tale is. 

I can share tales that I already know. 


This week we are going to be reading Four Corners: Tales from the British Isles from Rising Stars.










Today we are going start looking at the book and thinking about what information might be inside. 

Look through the book up to page 5. 


Write the answer to the questions using full sentences. 

  1. What does it mean by British Isles? 

  1.  What does page 4 and 5 show? 

  1.  How do we know about traditional stories? 

  1. What traditional tales do you know already?


PSHE/ LI: To understand the importance of rules and laws in the wider society.
I can explain what rules are for.
I know that there are rules not only in school but in the wider society.
I can explain what happens if rules are broken.
I understand the importance of following rules and laws in the wider society.


Why do we have rules? What would it be like if we didn’t have any rules?  (Look through PowerPoint)

When rules are broken, consequences happen. Not all consequences are the same though because each rule is different.


TASK:  Complete the grid. What consequence should occur when a rule is broken? Remember not all consequences will be the same. For the last box, think of another rule and the consequence that follows, if the rule is broken.

Year 3 Monday spellings/handwriting

Today we will be looking at your spellings in handwriting. If you haven't got handwriting paper to hand normal paper is fine.Or could you take your spellings outside and write in the dirt, on condensates windows or on the pavement with chalk.



Please follow the link to find today's Assembly.

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