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School Welcome

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The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


Today we are thinking about settings. You will get to listen, read and watch some different parts all about settings. Then, your job will be to write about whichever one you preferred giving reasons for this. It might be that the author made the setting sound spooky and this interested you the most. It isn't necessarily the setting that you would most like to visit.

4th March - Year 5 - English

Chapter 9 extract

Main Task:


Bronze/Silver: Write about which imaginary world setting you preferred.

Why have you chosen this one?

Use specific evidence.



Gold: Write about which imaginary world setting you preferred.

Why have you chosen this one?

Explain evidence thoroughly.

Make comparisons to the other settings to further justify opinion.

e.g. whereas, on the other hand, unlike, in contrast to…

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