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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


The Little Wandle spellings, follow our phonics teaching, along with taught tricky words for the week. Spellings will be tested on Friday and children will bring home their spelling book to share their results with you on Monday, when the next set of spellings will be glued in. Please ensure that your child has their spelling book in the bag for Friday.


If your child is finding the spellings tricky, focus on the highlighted spellings we have selected in their books as the main focus. We will test certain groups on just these highlighted spellings so they feel a sense of achievement and not overwhelmed. 


Check out the up-to-date spellings:

Repeated practice of spelling helps children move their new learning into their long-term memory.


In Year 1 especially, it is important to try to find time to practise and embed spelling outside of the phonics lessons. Use the weekly spelling sheets below to support this additional practice. Keep the sessions short and fun! 


Decodable words:

• Read the words.

• Add the sound buttons (dots and dashes). If needed, they can use the graphemes at the top of the page to help them identify the Phase 5 graphemes.

• Write the words into their spelling books.


 Tricky words:

• Read the words

• Circle the tricky bit.

• Write two tricky words that they need to practise in the blank boxes. (Or you can add these for them in advance).

• Write the words into their spelling books.


Additional Dictation:

Challenge the children to apply their secure phonic knowledge in short, dictated sentences. The Sentences for additional dictation sheet lists the sentences that the children have read in class in each week. You may wish to practise writing sentences from a few weeks before.


Weekly spellings

Term 3- Group 2

Additional dictation

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