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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Term 3: Wild winter

We will use the story 'Owl Babies ' as our talk4writing text this term and learn the story off by heart to recite to parents. We will learn about nocturnal and diurnal animals and why animals hibernate for Winter. We will explore and compare different celebrations and how different cultures celebrate New Year differently e.g. Chinese new year. We will use the Winter season as an inspiration to make poems, learn about the seasons and why it is so cold at this time of year! We will end the term with a surprise topic based on the children's interests. 


We follow the NCETM's mastering number curriculum which focusses on the skills of recognising, counting and mastering numbers to 10. We will look at 1 more and 1 less than numbers, subitising to 5 (recognising the amount without counting) by looking at the number patterns you can see (e.g. That's 5 because I can see a 2 and a 3), learning number bonds to 5 using 5 frames and other manipulatives. We will recap 2D shapes and create and recognise patterns using different objects.  

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