Thursday |
Handwriting |
Check out today’s handwriting worksheet. |
Reading |
Read your reading book with an adult or sibling. Adult to ask you questions about what you have read - - Oxford Owl have lots of free reading books that you can download and read! Don’t forget to check out Rising Stars!
Phonics – 15 minutes |
Phonicsplay login – Username – jan21 Password - home
Mrs Lenotti’s group: I’d like you to begin by recapping your phase 3 sounds. Use Flashcards Speed Trials ( or go through your sound mat and tick off all the sounds you get correct.
This week we are going to have a revision week. So we are going to look at CVCC words and CCVC words, we are also going to look at some dictation and tricky words.
Today you are going to play a tricky word game. I would like you use the tricky word mats provided to write out your tricky words on post it notes. If you don’t have post it notes you can use small sheets of paper. You will need two cups/mugs, a yes cup and a no cup. Pick a tricky word, say it out loud, if you know what it is ball it up and throw it into the yes cup. If you don’t know what it says, ball it up and throw it into the no cup. Keep going until all your tricky words are in the yes cup. 😊
Mrs Hutcheon’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 5) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat!
We have been looking at the alternative pronunciation of o. If you need to recap yesterday’s learning, then re-watch the video -
Today’ you are going to read a range of words, which contain the ‘o’ phoneme. Sort the words into two categories; the short pronunciation (hot) and the long pronunciation (cold).
Challenge – Choose some of the words, that you sorted and write a sentence. How many alternative ‘o’ words can you use in one sentence?
Miss Powell’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 2 & 3) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat!
In Phonics, today, we are going to be learning about the ‘ch’ digraph. Make a list of all the ‘ch’ words you know! Can you add to yesterday’s list? Practice reading some ‘ch’ flashcards with Geraldine the Giraffe -
I would like you to have a go at writing ‘ch’. Have a go at writing it in a range of different ways. You could use shaving foam, pasta, chalk, paint, whiteboard, Lego etc. How many different ways can you write ‘ch’?
Look at the worksheet. Have a go at reading the story. Can you find all of the ‘ch’ words?
Mrs Emslie and Mrs Houghton’s group: Let’s begin by recapping your phase 3 sounds. Use Flashcards Speed Trials ( or go through your sound mat and tick off all the sounds you get correct. Don’t forget the phase 5 sounds we have learnt so far too – ay, ou, ie, ea oy, ir, ue, aw, ph, wh, ew, oe, au, a-e and e-e, o-e, u-e. Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! Re-cap your high frequency and tricky words using the tricky word trucks. Tricky Word Trucks ( Today we are learning quite a tricky sound so we are going to practise tomorrow too. The sound we are learning is represented with ‘zh’, but is not normally spelt with these letters. Watch the video below. Geraldine the Giraffe learns /zh/ - YouTube
Print a few of the words below (don’t feel you have to print all of them!). Practise reading and writing them.
English - 1 hour |
Today in English we are going to write our fact files about Mary Anning. You can do this using the template provided or you might want to practise your typing skills and do it on the computer. Watch the video and then get started. 😊 |
Break - Grab a healthy snack and a drink and have a break. Could you go outside to get some fresh air? |
Maths - 1 hour |
Number Bonds -
Starter – Play Year 1 VS Miss Powell with your family. Take it in turns to count to 100. Who is going to win?
This week, we are learning about measuring ‘Length and Height’. Today we are going to focus on adding lengths together. Go through the Maths Video and complete the worksheet.
Don’t forget about Numbots! -
Lunch – What’s for lunch, today? |
PSHE - 45 minute |
For PSHE today we are going to be looking at your strengths and interests. Watch the video and then complete the two worksheets. |
English video

Maths Video:

Thursday 25th PSHE.mp4

Story time with Miss Powell: