Term 1 Homework Project
Term 2 Homework letter
Term 3 Homework Project Letter
Term 4 Homework
Term 5 Homework
As children leave Year 4 and enter Year 5, they should by now be confident with all their times tables. To help them achieve and maintain this expectation, we will be setting activities using the website 'Times Tables Rock Stars'. Please see your child's Reading Record for their username details and get rocking!
We also expect that children read (and are heard reading, including discussions about the text they are reading) at least five times per week. Their reading activity should be recorded in their Reading Record. Remember - reading does not have to involve a fiction text! It could be something non-fiction that interests them, news reports, match reports, comics, magazines, an article on a tablet - anything! The reading experience will be even more beneficial for your child if you can discuss their reading with them and share the text together.
Children will also be set a fortnightly reading comprehension task on the Rising Stars website. Children should log in using the link below and complete the reading and questions by the end of the 2 week period.