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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Year 2 Information


This term, PE for Year 2 will take place on a Tuesday afternoon. PE kits will be sent home on Tuesday. Please return by the following PE lesson.


Beech Class have PE on Thursday morning as well. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on Thursday only.


Forest School

This term, Beech Class will have Forest School on Thursday mornings. Because they have PE first, children should bring their Forest Schools clothes into school in a bag which they will change into after PE.


They might like to bring some spare clothing in case of any accidents during the day.

Children must have wellington boots which can be left in school throughout the week in a separate bag which they can hang 

on their peg.



Children will receive spellings every Monday and these will be tested on Friday. 

Children will also have their log in details for Numbots and TT Rockstars glued into the front of their reading record. They are expected to practise on one or both of these sites every week.


 Sometimes children may bring home extra homework to support the learning that goes on in the classroom - this might be reading, writing or Maths practise.


In addition to this, your child will also receive a termly homework project which will be due in on the Friday of the penultimate week of term. 



Home Reading

Reading should happen daily to enhance the children's progress and understanding of vocabulary. Children will be responsible for letting the adults in their class know that they need to change their book and this can be done daily between 8.30am and 8.45am.


 Each week children are expected to read at least 3 times a week and this needs to be recorded in their reading record. Reading records are expected to be in school every day.


In addition to a physical book, children will be set an ebook to read online once a week using Rising Stars. At the end of each book is a quiz where children can earn stars. Adults will monitor the progress children are making with their online reading.



Daily Essentials

A water bottle containing water or sugar free squash;

A piece of fruit for playtime (or school can provide fruit);

A named school bag containing their reading record;

A waterproof coat

A smile!

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