Hello, Year 1! This week you have got me, Miss Powell. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are ready for some fun and exciting learning. I look forward to seeing your lovely learning. Have fun! Don’t forget to check out the Outdoor Learning Challenge, for this week!
Monday |
Handwriting |
Today’s dough disco! |
Reading |
Read your reading book with an adult or sibling. Adult to ask you questions about what you have read - - Oxford Owl have lots of free reading books that you can download and read! Also, check out Rising Stars for a new book.
Phonics – 15 minutes |
Phonicsplay login – Username – jan21 Password - home
Mrs Hutcheon’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 5) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat!
We have come to the end of Phase 5, so this week is a catch-up week. Let me know in your emails if there are any Phase 5 sounds that you are uncertain on. Play the ‘Reading Robot’ on Phonicsplay. Can you read all the real and nonsense words? -
Read the captions and match the pictures. Complete as many captions as you would like. Challenge – Create your own captions, using your spelling words.
Check out this week’s spellings!
Miss Powell’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 2) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat!
In Phonics, today, we are going to be learning about the ‘y’ phoneme. Make a list of all the ‘y’ words you know! How many can you name? Watch Geraldine the Giraffe and see if you got more words than her! -
Play ‘I Spy’. Find all of the pictures with the ‘y’ phoneme. Don’t have a printer? Write/draw all of the ‘y’ words you find.
Check out this week’s spellings!
Mrs Lenotti’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 3 and 4) Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on the sound mat! This week we are learning about 2 syllable words. Watch this video to start: Let's Learn About Syllables | Jack Hartmann - YouTube Write down some 2 syllable words that you saw in the video. Can you think of anymore? Check out your spellings for this week.
Mrs Emslie and Mrs Houghton’s group: Before we start, let’s practise all of our sounds - (Phase 3) and you also need to re-cap the phase 5 sounds we learnt last week – ay, ou, ie, ea oy, ir, ue, aw. Write down the score you get and see if you can beat it tomorrow! If you cannot access phonicsplay, test yourself on your sound mat! Today we are going to learn TWO alternative graphemes!! The alternative grapheme ‘ph’. We already know ‘f’, and the alternative grapheme ‘wh’. We already know ‘w’. Watch the following video: Discovery Education Espresso - Ash's phonics - the 'ph' spelling And play the game: Discovery Education Espresso - Sorting graphemes (ph) Now watch this video: Discovery Education Espresso - Ash's phonics - the 'wh' spelling And play this game: Discovery Education Espresso - Sorting graphemes (wh) Username: student17015 Password: cuxton
English – 1 Hour |
Watch the video below. You will need:
Break - Grab a healthy snack and a drink and have a break. Could you go outside to get some fresh air? |
Maths – 1 Hour |
Number Bonds -
This week, we are learning about Multiplication and Division and then we are going to move on to time. Today we are going to share. Go through the Maths Video and complete the worksheet.
Don’t forget about Numbots! -
Lunch |
History – 45 minutes |
Today, we are going to learn about the most famous astronaut in the entire world! His name is Neil Armstrong. Watch the History Video to find out about why Neil Armstrong is so famous. Your job today is to create a fact file about Neil Armstrong.
English Video

Maths Video:

History Video

Lesson 2Neil Armstrong - First Moon Landing 1969.mp4

Story Time: