English Skills
Today we would like you to complete some work about commonly confused homophones. Good Luck!
For today’s English lesson. You will be conducting another interview using all of the skills you have been practising this week. You can either write your interview out, or video/voice record you reading it aloud. Watch the video before you get started.
English Wednesday 10th February

Good morning guys! Today we would like you to have a go at the Maths Mystery challenge below. See if you can solve the mystery of who found the missing necklace! Answers are below to see if you are correct!
Today we would like you to log on to the BBC Bitesize links below for a Music lesson. The lessons are all about melody and pitch and harmony.
Watch the videos on the links below and let us know, with a few sentences, what you have learnt in these lessons.
Alternatively, if you can play an instrument, it would be lovely if you could send us a photo or video of you practicing or performing.
Have fun!