Religious Education & Collective Worship
'Foundations for...Religious Understanding'
At the Academy of Cuxton Schools, we aim to engage pupils through significant key questions that relate to religions and world views. This will enable them develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and respond to different responses to these questions, as well as developing responses of their own.
Through RE, we aim to ensure that children develop their knowledge of a range of religions. They can subsequently describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practises, recognising the diversity that exists between communities and individuals.
We also enable children to express their ideas and examine the impact of religion and worldviews to support them with their own reflections and responses to issues involving:
- identity;
- diversity;
- meaning;
- purpose;
- and truth.
Our RE lessons are taught from a scheme of work derived from the latest agreed syllabus for Medway. The knowledge and skills are taken from the advised objectives from the syllabus, expanded and sequenced appropriately within our tailored scheme of work.
Topic Overview
Medium Term Plans
Curriculum Enrichment Showcase
Useful Websites
World Religions for Children (
KS2 Religious Education - BBC Bitesize
Collective Worship
We believe that worship should be:
- Inclusive. Everyone can benefit and contribute, no matter what their personal belief or commitment.
- Invitational. It offers everyone the opportunity to engage whilst allowing the freedom for those of other faiths and none to be present.
- Diverse. We recognise that there are a lot of different faiths in our society and children should be given the opportunity to explore the values of each one.
- Appropriate to the age of the children.
- An important learning experience which enriches the life of those people who attend.
- A special occasion, the purpose of which is to show reverence to God.
- Helpful to participants’ understanding of and identification with, the school’s vision, values and aims, promoting a sense of community.
As an Academy without a religious designation, in line with our funding agreement, collective worship that is wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character is provided. This collective worship also reflects the religious backgrounds represented in its community, with the majority of provision broadly Christian. We ensure that we keep acts of worship separate in assemblies, which allows time for pupils and teachers who don't participate in this to leave the room before worship takes place.