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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”




Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you for expressing an interest in The Academy of Cuxton Schools. We are set in the heart of the Cuxton community and offer a unique school experience with high expectations and a nurturing ethos.

Our school site comprises of our Infant and Junior School, who work under one Head teacher, Leadership Team and Governing Body. We have fantastic grounds and buildings, which comprise of a playing field, forest school, three playgrounds, amphitheatre, computing suite, music room and two large halls. Our fantastic facilities, support us in delivering a broad and balanced curriculum and help facilitate memorable outdoor learning experiences.


Our overarching aim is to provide a caring environment, where a love of learning is fostered and children are prepared for life in the 21st century. We embed ‘foundations for life’, focusing on key skills and knowledge which will support your child in being ready for the next stage in their education. We work hard to develop individual potential through academic and personal achievement, and to raise self-esteem and confidence. Parent involvement is crucial - we firmly believe in partnership with parents, working together for the benefit of our children.


Childhood is a special time and no-one has a second chance. You can count on us to do our very best to make it as joyous and productive as possible for your child. We hope your possible association with our school will be a happy one.


Mrs Charlotte Aldham-Breary, Headteacher    



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