Week 5 1st - 5th February 2021
Good Morning Year 6!
We hope you all had a lovely weekend. I spent an hour in my garden counting birds for the RSPB. I had to keep my naughty cat Milo inside, because he is a nightmare for trying to catch them! Here he is below doing a bit of birdwatching himself from my kitchen window!
Did you manage to do any birdwatching?
We have been so proud of you all getting along so well with the home learning. We know it can be tough and it's hard not seeing your friends, but keep up the hard work - you are all stars!
Love Mrs. C, Mr. Brett, Mrs. Riggall, Mrs. Osborne and Miss Hussain.
**Remember our Zoom calls on Wednesday 3rd Feb! 9am for Whitebeam and 9.30am for Willow!**
Below is your work for each day of the week. As well as this, you should be aiming to complete the following each day too:
- Reading (your own book or using the rising stars website)
- Times tables (rehearsing your times tables or using TTRS)
- Spellings ( learn the words and definitions throughout the week, on Friday there will be a video for you to do your spelling test)
This week we will be continuing our work with homophones.
Writing Week:
Below is a suggested timetable for Writing Week. Remember, you are in charge of how you complete your English this week so you do not have to follow this exactly.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Idea generating Setting creation Character Creation |
Planning your story Story Mountain |
Writing Day 1 | Writing Day 2 |
Editing, up-leveling, publishing, illustrating etc. |