Term 3- Wild Winter
This term will be focussing on the overarching topic of Winter. We will start the term using the stories Blue penguin and stickman to discuss friendships and how to look after one another as well as learning how to find information about polar animals. We will learn about Chinese New Year and the Zodiac story and delve into cultures from other worlds to expand the children's experiences and knowledge of the world. We will use the i-pads to learn skills such as taking photos, drawing and editing pictures and how to record our voices. We will end the term with a free topic that teachers will decide according to the interests of the children at that time, it could be about space, castles, dinosaurs, dolls, toys, anything we feel will capture their imagination.
In literacy, we will be focussing on using our phonic knowledge to begin to write captions and short simple sentences with finger spaces. Some children will begin to use describing words in the sentences or extend their sentence using conjunctions like and or because. Our talk4writing topic will focus on the book Lost and Found By Oliver Jeffers where the children will really dive into the story and learn about the characters, the settings and the story language to help them become better story tellers and eventually story writers. They will even be able to retell the whole story to their friends and family from memory!
Within maths, we will begin to focus on the numbers 11-20 making them using objects and finding 1 more and 1 less then these numbers. Children will begin to add and subtract numbers within 10 to solve problems. We do this through our engaging topics and relating maths problems to our topic stories to help the children understand maths concepts. Children will use 2D and 3D shapes to build and construct talking about their properties and describing them. The children will also learn about the days of the week, months of the year and be able to talk about their day using language such as morning, midday, afternoon and evening.
We promote their social skills through their play, participating in turn taking games and activities where children will need to compromise and listen to each other responding to each other's needs and ideas. We promote their speaking and listening skills through this too and give children the confidence to talk about their likes and dislikes and their opinions.
It will be another fantastic term of learning for the children and we can't wait to get started!