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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


Children will be expected to complete their homework each week. Homework consists of:


- Daily reading for at least 15 minutes. Reading must be recorded on the Boom Reader App. Please record every time you read so that the reading progress can be tracked. If you have trouble logging in on the app, please contact the class teacher. 



- Daily spelling practise using the spelling practise sheet. The spellings will be given out on a Monday and be tested on Friday. 


- TTRS practised at least 3 times per week and recorded in the reading record. Children will be responsible for handing in their reading record each day  progress can be tracked on the TTRS display in their classrooms.




- Homework books* - a homework book will be given out weekly with set pages to complete. One week will be Maths, the following will be Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. These will alternate each week.  Homework should be returned on Thursday to be marked on Friday.

*Homework will not start in Term 1



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