Tea Time Talks
Tea Time Talk Homework:
Here you will find the set weekly talking task. This task is based around three questions which relate directly to the learning your child will have just completed in school. The questions encourage you as a family to discuss your child’s learning and this will provide an important opportunity for your child to rehearse, and therefore retain, the knowledge and skills that they would have recently acquired at school.
All you need to do is talk about the questions with your child.
For those who wish to, there is the optional task of recording your Tea Time Talks in some form. For example, you could:
- Write a series of bullet points that summarise the discussion you have had;
- Record in speech bubbles the conversation you have had and create a Tea Time Talk poster;
- Younger children may prefer to draw a series of pictures that demonstrate the aspects of learning covered;
- Where possible, photos might be used to capture the Tea Time Talk learning in action (e.g. if the learning is linked to PSHE and ways of keeping healthy, a photo of your child riding their bike might be appropriate);
- You could film a short video for each of the Tea Time Talks.
- Demonstrate learning outdoors, like we often do at school.
If you are recording in some form the discussions that you have about your learning, please bring in what you have completed at the start of the last week of term so that we can celebrate what you have done!