Resources for your English today

I know that £1 is the same as 100p.
I can identify coins that total £1.
I can count the remaining coins as pence.
I can read out the value commenting on how many £s and Pence there are together.
Guided Reading:
GR/LI: To explore the meaning within a Chinese fable.
I understand and can describe what a Chinese fable is.
I can identify the lesson within a Chinese fable and explain why it is important.
Chinese fables are mainly short stories which tell great life lessons. They focus on how to show specific values and the consequences that occur from not showing the values.
The Chinese have passed them on through generations by telling the stories verbally. As these stories were never actually written down, people have no other choice but to remember the stories and retell them through word of mouth.
Chinese fable 2: The seagull and kindness.
“In an old kingdom, there lived a wealthy and powerful man who loved seagulls. Every morning, he’d get up and look at the sea, which was near his mansion. He would contemplate those white birds that amazed him for hours. One day, he found a seagull on the terrace. He was quite shocked and ran over to look at it. The man saw that it was wounded. He took it in his arms and ordered the doctors to heal it. The wound wasn’t very deep and the seagull recovered pretty quickly. The man was ecstatic.
The seagull amazed him so much that he decided to keep it. He ordered people to prepare the best foods for it: pheasant, exotic meats, delicious fruits and all kinds of delicacies. However, the seagull didn’t eat anything. The man tried to make it eat the food, but the seagull just wouldn’t. Three days passed and consequently, the seagull died.“
- What happened in the story and why? To answer this question you can either draw a picture to represent the story or write a short summary of what happened and explain why.
- What is the moral of the story?
Don’t forget that you can use a dictionary (or if you are at home you can use an online dictionary or google if you do not have access to a dictionary) to find the meaning of any words that are a bit confusing!
Religious Education:
RE/ LI: To review my understanding of a teacher
I understand there are other teachers than those in a school.
I can make connections to other religious teachers.
I can edit my work to show what I have learnt from other religions.
Think back to all your learning the past few weeks about ‘Teachers’. Look at your work from week 1. Is there anything you would add or change to your working knowing what you now know about other religions?
TASK: Add or edit your work. If you have misplaced your week 1 work write or draw what the word ‘teacher’ now means to you.