Weekly Homework:
From Term 5, children in year 6 will receive weekly Reading Comprehension, GPAS and Maths homework. This will be set every Friday and due in on the following Friday. If children do experience any problems with their homework, we advise them to speak to their class teacher before the homework is due in.
Due to the change in homework, the Year 6 termly project will be optional, however weekly homework should be completed in addition to the regular home reading, spelling and times tables practice.
Termly Homework Projects
Half Termly Project
Children will be set a half-termly project that is designed to support the current theme they are studying. The project must answer a key question but can be completed in any way children see fit. Suggestions will be provided for the children to help them with ideas.
Spelling Practise, Home Reading and Multiplication Tables
In addition to the half-termly project, our children will be given weekly spellings each Monday. Please rehearse these at home, ready for Friday's spelling check. We learn the spelling patterns contained in these spellings each day in class also, in order that our we have a comprehensive understanding of increasingly challenging rules and conventions.
Home reading is also something which we would expect children to carry out regularly, though this can be any text that they choose- novels, webpages, graphic novels, recipes, newspapers, research, magazines, etc. Please remember to record this in children's reading records (which must be in school everyday).
Children will also be set a fortnightly reading comprehension task on the Rising Stars website. Children should log in using the link below and complete the reading and questions by the end of the 2 week period.
Multiplication tables of vital importance in Year 6, especially as children are working with increasingly more complex concepts (algebra, multiplying fractions, statistical analysis, etc.) A quick recall of all tables is required by all children and regular multiplication practise should be completed using Times Table Rock Stars.