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The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


Writing a Balanced Argument

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Use the video about Mount Snowden above, create a table suggesting reasons for and against having tourists visit.


Once you have made your table, use the features discussed in the teaching video to create a balanced argument.


This should consist of:

An introduction - What are you writing about? Why?

A series of paragraphs alternating between for and against using evidence to support. 


Eg. "Tourists should be allowed to visit Mount Snowden because it promotes a healthy life style. Thousands of tourists visit every year, leaving their cars at the bottom of the mountain and climbing to the top. People enjoy this for both the exercise for their body and the beautiful views for the mind. Both of these are important to stay healthy.

On the other hand it could be argued that tourists should not be allowed to visit because..."


A conclusion - What do you think? Summarise and suggest whether or not you think tourists should be allowed to visit, give one reason here to support.

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