Centre of Excellence
An educationally inclusive school is one in which the teaching and learning; achievements, attitudes and well-being of every young person matter.

Only 200 schools have achieved the Centre of Excellence status nationally, compared to 5,500 for the Inclusive Quality Mark. We are proud, at The Academy of Cuxton Schools, to say we that we are a Centre of Excellence.
Quotes from the Report

Inclusion is about all staff as well as all students. It’s about parents, governors and the extended community. An inclusive school does not try to put children into ready-made boxes. It is about looking at their individual needs and breaking down any barriers to their learning – academic, social and emotional.
Inclusive schools care for ALL their staff, whatever their designation and make sure that they are supported in order to be fully effective in their roles. Professional learning for staff will be ongoing and be designed to develop and grow their skills and their practice.