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School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”


Day 1:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Choose and complete the handwriting pattern attached.


Task – Sing the alphabet with your family. Complete the alphabet square. Can you identify the missing letters?


Challenge – Can you write the order of the alphabet, without looking at the alphabet square.

Day 2:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Choose and complete the handwriting pattern attached.


Task – Identify the CVC pictures and write the CVC words.


Challenge – Make a list of as many CVC words as you can.


Day 3:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Choose and complete the handwriting pattern attached.


Task – Identify the pictures and use your phonics to write the words.


Challenge – Write a sentence, including the words. How many can you add into the same sentence?


Day 4:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Choose and complete the handwriting pattern attached.


Task – Choose the Phase 2 or Phase 3 sheet. Only complete 3 or less sheets. Read the words and match the pictures. You can either cut and stick the pictures or draw your own pictures in the boxes.


Challenge – Using the Phase 2/3 words, make a silly sentence. A silly sentence does not make sense ie. The long dog played ping pong in the bath.


Day 5:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Choose and complete the handwriting pattern attached.


Task – We are going to be learning about a structure of a sentence. What goes at the beginning of a sentence? We need a capital letter! Today’s task focuses on capital letters. Look at the worksheet – Match the lower-case letters to the upper-case letters.


Challenge – Write the alphabet in upper-case letters.


Day 6:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Practise writing your name on the sheet attached.


Task – We are going to be learning about a structure of a sentence. What goes in the the middle of a sentence (in between words)? We need finger spaces! Your task today is to look at my sentences and identify whether they have finger spaces or not.


Challenge – Can you edit my sentences by adding the finger spaces?


Day 7:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Complete the lower-case letter formation sheet attached.


Task – We are going to be learning about a structure of a sentence. What goes at the end of a sentence? We need a full stop! Today’s task focuses on full stops. Look at the worksheet – Re-write the sentences, making sure you remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Only complete Sheet 1.


Challenge – Write your own sentence, using your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in the right places.


Day 8:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Complete the upper-case letter formation sheet attached.


Task – Look at the picture. What is it a picture of? An eye. I wonder whose eye it belongs to. Imagine what the rest of this creature looks like. Draw what you have imagined.


Challenge – Use amazing adjectives to describe what this creature looks like.


Day 8 Image:

Day 9:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Complete the lower and upper-case letter formation sheet attached.


Task – Look at the picture. What is it a picture of? It is the Incredible Hulk at the park. It must be his day off! What do you think he was doing? Write a list of all the things the Incredible Hulk could do on his day off.


Challenge – Write a sentence about the Incredible Hulk’s favourite thing to do on his day off.


Day 9 Image:

Day 10:

Let’s practise your letter formation! Complete the number formation sheet attached.


Task – Look at the picture. What is it a picture of? It is a picture of a road. Do all roads look like this? How did the road change? What sounds would it make? Use your senses to describe the sounds you would be able to hear. Would it be loud? Quiet? Calming?


Challenge – If this happened to the road outside your home, how would it make you feel?


Day 10 Image:

School Logo Watermark

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