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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Whole School

Annual Academic Report Letter 2024

Transition parent letter

Parent Parliament Feedback

Term Dates 2025/26

Colour Run sponsorship form

Important Information - E-Scooters

Father's Day Breakfast 2024

Walking Bus Update

Census Day - 16.05.2024

Parent Elections for the Governance Partnership body of The Academy of Cuxton Schools

Parent Parliament feedback

Let Girls Play

Governance Partner Parent Elections

Mothers Day 2024

PFT Parent Survey

Medway Joint Area SEND Inspection

PFT Top of the Rocks Challenge

Census Day - 18.01.2024

Primary First Trust Newsletter Autumn 2023

Kids with Bricks - Term 3

Wrap around care

Parent Parliament Feedback

Christmas Arrangements 2023

National College for Parents

Poppy Appeal

Anti-Bullying Week

Scholastic Book Fair

2023 Parent Survey Letter

Lockdown Letter

Cuxton attendance expectations

Knowledge Retrieval parent letter

Census Day - 05.10.2023

Online Safety Workshop for Parents

Registration times from September 2023

School Logo Watermark

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