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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

The Academy of Cuxton Schools

“Foundations for Life”

Inclusion Policy


The Academy of Cuxton Schools currently holds the Inclusion Quality Mark

Over 5,500 schools in the UK have either received an IQM Inclusive School Award, or are actively working towards meeting the standard required. This award recognises the ongoing commitment by schools to provide the very best education for all children

irrespective of differences.


Inclusion is not just about including learners with Specific Learning Differences (SpLDs). Inclusion is a basic right of everyone and its objective should be to embrace everyone regardless of race, age, gender, disability, religious and cultural beliefs. When we have true inclusion, we have removed all barriers, discrimination and intolerance. When implemented properly, it should make everyone feel included and supported, whichever environment they are in.

School Logo Watermark

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